Questions for Becoming a Data and Analytics Driven Organization
Here are five questions you can ask at your next meeting to get your clients thinking about data and analytics:
- Where do data and analytics sit within your business strategy? Embed analytics into day-to-day decisions. Allow them to be the value-driver at the front and center of your business strategy.
- What skills do your people need to drive analytics? Think about analytics as a strategic asset and a competency. Align your incentives to the changes in behavior and skills that are required for progress.
- Do you have a data and analytics leader on your leadership team? Appoint data and analytics leaders at executive, organizational and team partnership levels.
- Is your organizational structure set up for data and analytics driven success? The right structure means having data and analytics resources close to the teams that will realize its benefits.
- What is driving value and results? Establish measures of success and use an ongoing feedback loop to find out what’s driving your results.
Watch this video for four key characteristics that data and analytics leaders must have today in order to make an impact within their organization
These insights are based upon research Forbes and EY recently published – Analytics: Don’t Forget the Human Element—Data and Analytics Impact Index.
This blog is owned by CA Adarsh Madrecha. All rights reserved.