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What sets you apart in Data Analytics

EY and Forbes have conducted research with nearly 600 companies to find what sets leaders in data and analytics apart from the rest. Findings reveal three common activities organizations do to turn analytics into action and ultimately win in the market.

Three things separating data and analytics leaders from laggards

How do they do it?

  1. Put data and analytics at the core of their business strategy
  2. Ensure production, organization and governance of data is a top priority across the company
  3. Create a culture of analytics by embedding it as a skill-set into training and development programmers and incentives.

Not only did these organizations use analytics to help make important business decisions, they also analyze the impact of data on behaviors, processes and decisions to make the most of this insight.

Watch the video, and use the insights in your next conversation with a client.

Full text of the research can be downloaded from

Many organizations are still struggling to derive value from their data and analytics initiatives and capabilities. What separates the leaders in data and analytics excellence from those organizations struggling with their programs? There is a segment of executives in this survey by EY and Forbes Insights whose enterprises have achieved higher levels of maturity. These leading organizations are seeing competitive advantage as a result of their data and analytics initiatives. Their experiences, practices and results provide a road map for other organizations to consider on their own analytics journeys.

This report is based on a survey of 564 executives conducted in June 2015 by Forbes Insights. Thirty-two percent of the executives are based in the Asia/Pacific Rim region, 40% are in the Americas, and 28% are in Europe. All are C-level executives, of whom 11% are chief executives or presidents of their organizations. Industries represented
include technology, energy, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, financial services, manufacturing, consumer products, and government. Executives’ companies had at least $500 million in annual revenues, and 21% had revenues of more than $50 billion.

If you are too tired to fill in the form and read the report, the report can be downloaded on this URL

This blog is owned by CA Adarsh Madrecha. All rights reserved.

About The Author

CA, ISA, CISA, BCAF. Friends call me Techno Savvy Chartered Accountant. I work at EY in System Audit


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